We have 5 different packages that advertisers can choose from... FOR MORE ADVERTISING INFORMATION JUST GIVE SCOTT A CALL AT 904-422-2868 OR Email us at scott@BigJReport.com
WE ARE HAPPY TO DO CORPERATE AND NATIONAL ADVERTISING- But we also cater to Mom & Pop business' as well and specialize in that.
We can make it happen for you with great rates!
33 Dollars per mo. This package is where you can actually advertise month to month: You Get 3 lines of advertising, Get Personalized Service From The Big J Report 24/7 30 solid Days of Advertising.
33 Dollars per mo. At the end of 30 Days Orange Advertisers can stay with this Package or even switch to an annual package as listed above.
EMAIL US at scott@bigjreport.com or fill out form on the home page which will automatically email us, simple to order just choose one of the 5 packages listed, ORANGE PACKAGE, GOLD PACKAGE, SILVER PACKAGE, LIME PACKAGE, or even the BRONZE PACKAGE- FULL Explanation of packages are explained above. Just mention package you want..Give us some basic information about your service, business or product, individual advertisers to sponsor us are welcome to advertise and sponsor the BIG J REPORT.
If you have Questions about advertising you can call the Big J Report at 904-832-0927, Leave a message and number we will call you back. Even after you order we can call you back to help your advertising experiece be much easier or Again if you like, email us at scott@bigjreport.com
ORDER ANYTIME THROUGH EMAIL OR CALLING US: We will be happy to start your ad quickly within 24 to 48 Hours, we will email you an invoice as well. simple to use our service.
Big J Report opearates 24/7 365 days This Site is only down FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE
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GOLD PACKAGE- Incredible VALUE(2 months FREE) 70 Dollar VALUE per month- 7 lines of Advertising plus A Banner Ad. 700 DOLLARS ONE TIME CHARGE(ENTIRE YEAR OF ADVERTISING) GET PERSONALIZED SERVICE from The BIG J REPORT 24/7 365 Days a year. Annual advertising Package
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SILVER PACKAGE 398 Dollars(ENTIRE YEAR OF ADVERTISING) 40 Dollar per mo. VALUE - SILVER 398 Dollars- ENTIRE YEAR OF ADVERTISING(2 months FREE) GET 4 Lines of Advertising, GET PERSONALIZED SERVICE from The Big J REPORT 24/7 365 days a year. Annual Advertising for only 398 Dollars.
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Bronze- GET 3 Lines of Advertising for one low price for the entire Year total 299 Dollars, a 30 dollar Value per mo.(2 Months FREE) Again GET 3 Lines of advertising, Get personalized service from the Big J Report 24/7 365 days a year.